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Anatomy and Physiology of Eye ( Paper 1)

Paper I 

Anatomy and Physiology of Eye Questions

1.Ocular structure and development

Long questions

1.       What is embryopathy* M-98 / p8

2.       Enumerate factors affecting growth of eye in foetus*  M-98 / p 8,14

3.       Dis. stages of vitreous development, des. its developmental anomalies M-03 / p14

Shot Notes

1.       Development of orbit  M-05 / p15

2. Cornea, Limbus, Sclera

Long Questions

1.       Des. Anatomy and congenital anomalies of cornea. M-11, 99, D-09 / P22

2.       Des microanatomy and biochemistry of cornea* M-99, / pp22

3.       Des. Metabolism of cornea* M-03, 95, 93, D-10 / p27

4.       Des. Factors responsible for corneal transparency*. M-05, 03, 93,D-10, 09 SN-D-09 / p29

5.       Des. Effect of contact lens on corneal metabolism* M-05, D-95 / p34

Shot Notes

1.       Corneal endothelium M-98 / p24

2.       Corneal transparency M-13,95 D-12 / p29

3. Uvea, Aqueous humour, intraocular pressure

Long question

1.       Des gross antomy of choroid* M-09 / p48

2.       Des arterial supply of iris, ciliary body and choroid M-09 / p50

3.       Des anatomy and anomalies of angle of anterior chamber M-12, SN-M-10 / 53

4.       Des gross and microanatomy of angle of anterior chamber and various methods of studying it.

M-05, 95/ p53

5.       Des developmental defects resulting in development of glaucoma D-02 / p53

6.       Des development of ant. Segment of eye, what are the mesodermal dysgenesis affecting it.       M-98 D-02 / p53

7.       Des abnormalities of angle on gonioscopy* M-10 / 54

8.       Des mechanism & site of production, circulation and drainage of aqueous humour * M-10 , 95, D-13, 08 / p62

9.       Dis. theories of aqueous formation* D-09 / p62

10.   Des aqueous houmer dynamics M-13, 11 / p67

11.   How IOP is maintained at normal level in eye/ factors affecting the IOP*M-11, B,  D-9, 5, 3,SN-M-9 / p72

Short note

1.       Physiology of aqueous humour M-12 / p52

2.       Tonography D-05 / 70

3.       Applanation tonometry M-14,  B, 11, 11 / p78


4. Crystalline lens

Long question

1.       Des development and surgical anatomy of human crystalline lens M03/ p86

2.       Des anatomy and physiology of lens* D-11, 10 / p86

Short note

1.       Microscopic anatomy of lens M-13/86

2.       Biochemical composition of lens M-09 / p95

3.       Metabolism of crystalline lens M-10, D-11 /p99,101

4.       Cateractogenesis D-11, 10 / p105


5. Vitrous humour

Long question

1.       Des developmental anatomy of vitreous body, How age effects it M-99 / p128

Short note

1.       Vitreous biochemistry M-95 / p132



6. Retina, visual pathway and physiology of vision

Long question

1.       Des anatomy and physiology of retina in detail M-09 / p140

2.       Des congenital anomalies of optic disc M-10 / p140

3.       Des anatomy and physiology of retina M-99, D-13 / p140

4.       Des anatomy of macule. Enumerate macular function tests M-97 / 140

5.       Des photochromatic cells* M-09 / p143

6.       Des anatomy and development of optic nerve* M-10, 95, D-14, 08, SN –M-11/ p152

7.       Des anatomy of visual pathway* M-98, D-09 / p152

8.       Des anatomy of optic chiasma* M-B, 93, D-10 / p155

9.       Des visual field defects due to chiasmal lesion M-B, 93, D-10  SN – D-11/ p166

10.   Des various field defects caused by lesions at diff. levels in visual pathway * M-98, D-11, 9, SN D-11 /p166

11.   Des metabolism of retina* M-97 / p168

12.   Des physiochemical changes in retina occurring when light falls on it*. M-97 / p168

13.   Des physiology of vision, its applied impotance in stereoscopic vision and field M-14 / p169

14.   Des concept of trichromacy and colour vision defect M-09 / p238

15.   Des theories of colour vision* M-95, D-12, 03, - SN – M-13, 11, D-11 / p238

16.   Des anomalies of colour vision* M-99 / p237

17.   Des colour blindness, CLx,  its clinical impotence* D-12, 03 SN – D-09 / p244

18.   Des tests to find out colour perception* M-99, 95, D-03 / p246

Short note

1.       Hene’s nerve fiber layer of retina M-09 / p149

2.       Physiology of vision M-12 / p169

3.       Electroretinography  M-12, 10, 03, 98, D-11, 11, 03 / p193

4.       E O G M-03 / p201

5.       Visually evoked potentials M-09, D-05 / p204

6.       Dark adaptation/physiology  – M-14, 10, 95 / p210

7.       Colour vision D-09 / p237

7. The Pupil

Long question

1.       Des Mechanism of pupillary reflexes and their clinical significance M-03, 93 / p272

Short note

1.       Abnormal pupillary reaction M-95 /272

2.       Marcus Gunn sign D-10,95 / p278

8. Extra ocular muscles and ocular motility

Long question

1.       Des anatomy of superior, inferior oblique muscle* M-10 / p287

2.       How to evaluate the function of oblique muscles* M-10 / 297

Short note

1.       Anatomy of inferior rectus M-11 / p286

9. Physiology of Binocular vision

Long question

1.       Des physiology of binocular vision* D-12 / p328

2.       Des anomalous retinal correspondence* (ARC) D-14 / p328

3.       Des theories of development of binocular vision*, M-10, D-11 / p352

4.       Des clinical test to evaluate binocular vision* M-10, D-11 / p355

10. Conjunctiva, Lacrimal apparatus and Tear film

Long question

1.       Des anatomy and development of lacrimal apparatus M-97 / p372

2.       Des Surgical anatomy of lacrimal passage (with Diagram), its assessment in health and disease* D-2, SN-M-09/372

3.       Des Tear film / various component* M-B, 01,98, SN- M-09, 99, D-13, 11,10, 09 / p378

4.       Methods of Tear film assessment/ Ix to Dx dry eye* M-B, 01, 98 D-11 / p390

Short note

1.       Binocular diplopia and diplopia testing D-11 / p353

2.       Schirmer’s test M-99 / p390

3.       Conjunctival impression cytology M-95 / ?

4.       TNO test M-95 / ?

11. Eyebrows and eyelids

Long question

1.       Des anatomy of upper eyelid and its applied impotence in various lid pathological conditions. Des Mx of severe ptosis M-14 / p403

2.       Des applied anatomy of lid, Mx of bilateral congenital ptosis M-12, D-05, SN- D-13, 09 / p402

3.       Des anatomy of levator palpebrae superiaris muscle* M-95, SN – M-10, 99 / p405

4.       How to decide the Surgical procedure in Rx of ptosis M-95 / p405

12. Blood vessels and ocular circulation

Short note

1.       Arterial supply of eye M-13 / p


13. Orbital nerve

Long question

1.       Des anatomy/ course, distribution, clinically applied aspect and lesions of oculomotor nerve. M-09,D-11,9/p450

2.       Des anatomy of abducent nerve, des syndromes associated with it M-95, SN – M-11 / p461

Short note

1.       Trochlear nerve M-12 / p458

2.       Trochlear nerve palsy M-03 / p458

3.       6th cranial nerve – abducent nerve palcy D-12 / p461?

4.       Sympathetic innervation of eye / p478


14. Skull, Orbit, PNS

Long question

1.       Des development and anomalies of orbit M-03 / p481

2.       Des gross anatomy of bony orbit, its relation with surrounding structure, Draw and label the structures passing through orbital apex D-12, 10 / p487

3.       Des anatomy of sup. Orbital fissure and its clinical importance M-99, D-3, SN – M-9, D-14, 10 / p492

4.       Des anatomy of apex of orbit D-95 / p492

5.       Des Blow out orbital fracture and its Mx* M-10 / p487?

Short note

1.       Development of orbit M-05 / p481



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