Ophthalmology Notes @ OphthalNotes.blogspot.com

Ophthalmology Notes @ OphthalNotes.blogspot.com
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Triads & Syndromes in Ophthalmology

Triads & Syndromes in Ophthalmology

Triads are usually a combination of three clinical features or signs, often used to describe various clinical conditions or diseases. Here we have compiled some of these triads used in ophthalmology.

Bálint's Syndrome= Simultanagnosia+ Optic ataxia+ Ocular motor apraxia

Behçet's Disease= Oral ulcers + Genital ulcers + Hypopyon uveitis

Cerebral Whipple's Disease= Somnolence + Dementia + Ophthalmoplegia.

Cone Degeneration= Progressive central acuity loss + Color vision disturbances + Photophobia.

Congenital Glaucoma= Epiphora + Blepharospasm+ Photophobia

Congenital Rubella Retinopathy= Cataracts+ Deafness + Congenital heart disease

Congenital Toxoplasmosis= Retinochoroiditis+ Hydrocephalus+ Intracranial calcifications

De Morsier's Syndrome= Short stature+ Nystagmus + Optic disc hypoplasia

Fechtner's Syndrome= Nephritis+ Sensorineural hearing loss+ Eye abnormalities

Gaucher Disease= Trismus+ Strabismus+ Opisthotonus

Horner's Syndrome= Ptosis+ Miosis + Ipsilateral anhidrosis of the face

Intraoperative Floppy Iris Syndrome=A flaccid iris stroma that undulates and billows in response to ordinary intraocular fluid currents+ A propensity for the floppy iris stroma to prolapse toward the phaco and side-port incisions, despite proper wound construction + Progressive intraoperative pupil constriction despite standard preoperative pharmacologic measures designed to maximize dilation

Kearns–Sayre Syndrome=External ophthalmoplegia + Pigmentary retinopathy + Cardiac conduction block during the first or second decade of life

Lambert–Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome=Muscle weakness+ Autonomic dysfunction+ Hyporeflexia

Miller-Fisher Syndrome=Ataxia+ Ophthalmoplegia+ Areflexia

Ocular Ischemic Syndrome=Midperipheral dot hemorrhages+ Dilated retinal veins + Iris neovascularization

Ocular Tilt Reaction=Skew deviation+ Cyclotorsion of both eyes + Paradoxical head tilt

Optic Nerve Sheath Meningioma=Optociliary venous shunts on the disc+ Diffuse disc edema (eventually replaced slowly by pallor)+ Insidious visual loss

Osteogenesis Imperfecta=Brittle bones+ Blue sclera+ Deafness (otosclerosis)

Pharyngoconjunctival Fever=Fever+ Pharyngitis + Acute follicular conjunctivitis

Pierre Robin Syndrome=Micrognathia+ Glossoptosis+ Cleft palate

Pigmentary Glaucoma=Corneal pigmentation (Krukenberg's spindle)+ Slit-like, radial, mid-peripheral iris transillumination defects+ Heavy accumulation of pigment in the trabecular meshwork

Presumed Ocular Histoplasmosis Syndrome=Peripapillary atrophy+ “Punched-out” chorioretinal lesions + Disciform macular scarring in young and middle-aged adults

Reiter's Syndrome=Arthritis+ Urethritis+ Conjunctivitis

Schwartz's Syndrome=Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment+ Uveitis+ Glaucoma

Sjögren's Syndrome=dry eyes+ dry mouth+ Arthritis (dry joints)

Spasmus Nutans=pendular nystagmus+ head nodding+ torticollis

Sturge-Weber Syndrome=Port wine facial telangiectasis (nevus flammeus) in the distribution of the trigeminal nerve that respects the vertical midline+ Ipsilateral glaucoma (ipsilateral buphthalmos)+ Contralateral seizures caused by ipsilateral leptomeningeal hemangiomatosis

UGH Syndrome=Uveitis+ Glaucoma + Hyphema


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