Ophthalmology Notes @ OphthalNotes.blogspot.com

Ophthalmology Notes @ OphthalNotes.blogspot.com
A comprehensive collection of ophthalmology revision notes that cover a broad range of topics.

EPONYMS : signs | Areas | Household Items in Ophthalmology



1. Sunset sign 

Inferior subluxation of lens

Sinking look of eyes in infantile hydrocephalus due to upgaze paresis

2. Satellite lesions- 

Dry looking corneal ulcer with satellite lesions in surrounding cornea in fungal keratitis. 

Newly active necrotising retinitis adjacent to old scars in toxoplasmosis.

3. Asteroid hyalosis- 

Round yellow white calcium globules in vitreous

4. Sunburst lesion- 

Pigmented black patch in retina as seen in resolved haemorrhage Sickle cell retinopathy

5. Macular star - 

Star shaped exudation around macula in hypertensive retinopathy, neuroretinitis, diabetes etc

6. Pie in the sky- 

Superior quadrantanopsia in temporal lobe lesion

7. Macular hole – 
Defect of foveal retina involving its full thickness

AREAS in Ophthalmology

1. Bjerrum’s area- 

10° to 20° area of visual field vulnerable for glaucomatous damage

2. Broadmann area- 

Brain area no. 17, 18, 19 dealing with visual processing signals

3. Panum’s area- 
Area of binocular vision without diplopia along the horopter

4. Traquair island- 

Island of normal vision with varying visual sensations

5. Geographical ulcer- 

Large viral corneal ulcer (Geographic corneal ulcer caused by herpes simplex virus keratitis. )

6. Geographical atrophy- 

Late stage of  DRY ARMD age related macular degeneration

HOUSEHOLD ITEMS in Ophthalmology

1. Bread crumb appearance – Complicated posterior subcapsular cataract

2. Cotton wool exudates- Fluffy white patches caused by damage to nerve fibre in infarction of retina (Diabetes, HT, AIDS) due to accumulation of axoplasmic material within the NFL.

3. Cotton cheese appearance- Regression of retinoblastoma, CMV retinitis

4. Cellophane maculopathy- Epiretinal membrane

5. Copper wire- Arteriosclerosis of retinal arterioles seen in Grade III hypertensive retinopathy

6. Candle wax drippings- Exudation along retinal vessels in sarcoidosis

7. Fish Flesh- Regression of retinoblastoma in large size

8. Snowball opacities - Retinal granuloma in sarcoidosis and pars planitis

9. Silver wire –Retinal arteries in arteriosclerosis seen in Grade IV hypertensive retinopathy

10. Salt and pepper retinopathy- In congenital syphilis, rubella

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