- Development and anomalies of AC with their application in health and disease.
- Discuss Changing concepts in mx of endothelial dysfunction (dec 2005)
- Endothelial pump (dec 2005)
- Medical management of glaucoma.
- NVG- causes and management.
- Outline etiopathogenesis of NVG, its various features, possible mx options’2011
- HVF analysis.
- Steroid induced glaucoma.
- Gonioscopy.
- Surgical management of congenital glaucoma.
- Automated perimetry- Indication and utility.
- Phacolytic glaucoma and mx (dec 2007)
- Neuroprotection and its mechanism of action/ in glaucoma,
- Causes of secondary glaucoma. Pattern of rise of IOP in postuveitic glaucoma.
- Target IOP.
- Field changes in OAG.
- Clinical feature and management of ACG.
- Dorzalamide.
- MMC(mitomycin c) in ophthal (MAY 2009)
- Dynamic of aqueous humour synthesis in health and diseases. Mechanism of drugs affecting it.
- Advances in the management of glaucoma (MAY 2008) and their limitations. (dec 2009)
- Pathogenesis and management of malignant glaucoma.
- Correlate mx of malignant glaucoma to its pathogenesis (MAY 2008)
- Side effects of glaucoma medications.
- Optical principles of various means of appreciating angle. Critically analyze the methodologies available of aiding visualisation through gonioscope (dec 2009)
- Angle anomalies.
- Briefly discusss disorders exhibiting developmental anomalies of the angle. Describe the stages of dev of angle structures and aquous outflow channels MAY 2007
- Discuss development & abnormalities of anterior chamber angle with their applications to functions in health and disease (MAY 2008)
- Prostaglandins in glaucoma. ( MAY 2007)
- Mx of postoperative shallow AC following filtering surgery( MAY 2007)
- BAB.
- Discuss Pre-perimetric glaucoma (dec 2005) & its diag, factors in progression of field defects. (MAY 2010)
- Surgical management of failed trab. (dec 2005)
- Classify 20 glaucoma. Diagnosis and management of lens induced glaucoma’s.
- Strategies to decrease morbidity by glaucoma in the country. Ideal model for glaucoma service in a tertiary care centre.
- Nerve fiber layer with reference to glaucoma.
- Congenital glaucoma.
- Angle recession.
- Phakomatosis---Sturge- Weber syndrome.
- ICE syndrome
- Nerve fibre layer with spl ref to glaucoma
- PXF syndrome.
- Aphakic glaucoma.
- ONH evaluation.
- Releasable sutures.
- CLASSIFY secondary glaucoma.outline in flow chart steps to diag , mx of various types of lens induced glaucoma (dec 2005)
- Management of encapsulated bleb following filtering surgery.
- Analyze critically the side effects of various antiglaucoma medications (MAY 2009)
Retina- vitreous and trauma
- Pathology of ARMD and management.
- Ocular manifestation of HIV and their management. (DEC 2008)
- Anti- VEGF agents** ( MAY 2007)- role in ocular pathologies (DEC 2008)
- Prognostic significances of various manifestation of ocular trauma on the globe and adnexae, as appreciated in your casualty. (DEC 2008)
- Wide angle viewing system.
- Postoperative endophthalmitis.
- Evaluate the rational mx of endophthalmitis including a critical note on therapy induced problems(MAY 2008)
- ROP and plus disease.
- PDR.
- Evaluate vision threatning injuries , discuss principles for their mx from the standpoint of best possible outcomes (dec 2009)
- Hyphema.
- Pseudophakic endophthalmitis.
- Intravitreal gases.
- Lasers in ophthalmology.
- Vasculitis and describe WG.
- Chorioretinits.
- Pars plana surgery and its indications.
- ERG.
- ICG dye in ophthalmology.
- Macular hole- pathophysiology,inv , tt, with spl ref to recent advances
- Discuss oct features of Macular hole in relation to mx. Discuss factors prognosticating the Tt outcome’2011
- Lattice degeneration of retina.
- CSR- etiology, clinical features and management.
- Current trends in mx of CSR ( MAY 2007)
- Expulsive choroidal hemorrhage.
- Recent advances in management of ARMD.
- Critically analyse changing scenario in mx of ARMD (MAY 2009)
- Various dyes in ophthalmology.
- ICG angiography.
- Pathology of DR. Management of DME.
- Blood supply of retina and ON.
- Anatomy and physiology of rods and cones. Factors influencing dark adaptation.
- Role of antioxidants in ophthalmology.
- Development of eye. Retinal disorders related to development of eye.
- Optics of binocular indirect ophthalmoscope. (MAY 2010)
- mERG.
- Drug delivery implants in eye.
- Vitreous substitutes & viscoelastics (dec 2005)
- Contrast sensitivity.
- Intravitreal steroids.
- 25g vitrectomy.
- Ocular toxoplasmosis. ( MAY 2007)
- HTN- ocular features with special reference to PIH. (dec 2007)
- CRVO.- (newer modalities in mx)/ surgical intervention
- Ocular cysticercosis.
- IFC.
- Terson’s syndrome.
- Asteroid hyalosis and synchysis.
- Cherry red spot.
- PIH.
- Hematological disorder in retina.
- Ocular TB.
- Ocular melanoma.
- Ocular photo toxicity.
- VKH.
- Sarcoidosis.
- Ocular sarcoidosis (MAY 2007)
- Describe clinical features, diag, mx of ocular sarcoidosis’ may 2011
- Leprosy.
- FFA.
- ONH drusen.
- Open globe injury.
- RD surgery.
- OCT.
- Role of OCT and FFA in retinal disorders. (MAY 2010)
- RD with PVR.
- GRT.
- VH.
- Secondary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment.
- DISCUSS changing concepts in mx of diff types of retinal detachment**
- Current trends in VRSx and macular procedures. (dec 2009)
- Critically evaluate mx of Dropped nucleus. (MAY 2010)
- Discuss Suprachoidal hemorrhage & expulsive hge & their mx (MAY 2008)/ pathophysiology & mx (dec 2005)
- Recognition & mx of massive suprachoroidal hge (MAY 2010)
- RPE and its significance.
- Care of ophthalmoscope. (MAY 2010)
- Ocular USG.
- C/F and genetic screening of primary retinal pigment disorders.
- Development of vitreous and its examination.
- Electron microscopy of rods and cones.
- Macular pigments in health and disease.
- Management of recalcitrant DME. (MAY 2007)
- Verteporfin. (dec 2007)
- Dystrophies and degenerations in eye.
- Endophthalmitis.
- Analyse Role of genetics in retinal disorders. (MAY 2009)
- Toxocariasis.
- Pseudophakic CME.
- Discuss pathogenesis, features, investigations & mx of diffuse diabetic macular edema’2011/ pathophysiology, inv, mx with recent developments (dec 2005)
- Discuss ocular changes in hypertension & their mx strategies (MAY 2010)
- Current concepts in DR & their relevance to mx. (MAY 2009)
- Discuss the screening protocol/ schedule of ROP and guidelines for intervention (MAY 2009) (dec 2005)**
- Discuss the changing concepts in mx of high myopia. With a clinical appraisal of the methods available.
Lens and cataract
- Functional and surgical anatomy of lens & Maintenance of transparency of lens thr’out the life. (MAY 2010)
- Subluxation of crystalline lens***- Causes, D/D and management. (dec 2009)/ causes, tabulate differential diagnostic featutes , schematic flow chart to guide mx in diff situations of lens sublaxation (dec 2005)
- Detail your xam, inv, mx in sublaxated lens in 6yr boy (MAY 2008)
- Critically evaluate multiocals in ophthalmic practice (MAY 2007)
- SFIOL. (dec 2005)
- Viscoelastics.
- Newer IOLs.
- PCO and its prevention.
- IOLs to aid near vision.
- Mechanism of accommodation. Method of assessment of anomalies of accommodation. (MAY 2007)
- Aspheric lenses. ( MAY 2007)
- Bimanual phaco. ( MAY 2007)
- Critically evaluate newer concepts in phacoemulsifications including bimanual (dec 2007)
- Newer concepts in phaco.
- Reach in programme.
- Developmental cataract.
- Critically evaluate mx of developmental cataract (MAY 2008)
- Pros and cons of accommodative and newer IOLs in ophthalmic practice
- Principles of cataract surgery in different ocular situations.
- Strategies to control cataract blindness in India.
- Chop techniques.
- Methods of surgical anesthesia in cataract surgery.
- Phaco in small pupil.
- Aphakia in children - management.
- Posterior polar cataract and its management.
- Visual acuity in children.
- Lensometer.
- Complicated cataract.
- Critically evaluate a case of complicated cat, its mx’2011
- Procedures to obtain emmetropia in IOL implantation.
- Congenital Rubella syndrome.
- Posterior capsulorrhexis.
- Pathogenesis of senile cataract. IOL power calculation. Newer IOL materials and design.
- Toric IOL.
- Post-uveitic cataract.
- Traumatic cataract.
- Diabetic cataract.
- Decentered IOL.
- Discuss development of lens, with respect to (various known types of cong cat’may 2011)/ clinical application (MAY 2007)
- Describe development of human lens and its structure including methods for its detailed clinical examination and documentation
- Critically discuss pros & cons of accommodative & newer IOLs in ophthalmic practice (DEC 2008)
- What are the dd of postoperative inflammation following cat sx with respect to mx. (MAY 2010)
- Ciliary sulcus
- Intra- lenticular foreign body ( MAY 2007)
- AMG- technique & application in ophthal
- Corneal dystrophy- Classification, Describe stromal dystrophies.
- Ocular surface disorders and their management.
- Factors involved in corneal transparency.
- Nonresponding bacterial corneal ulcer.
- Fungal corneal ulcers
- Posterior keratoconus
- Limbal stem cells
- What r Limbal stem cells? Clinical and applied significance.
- Reccurent pterygium
- Customise eximer laser corneal ablation
- Antiviral agents
- Antifungal drugs
- Lamellar corneal surgery
- Discuss Lamellar keratoplasties & their role in corneal disorders (MAY 2009)
- Tear film and its changes in iatrogenic situations
- Discuss the management of shallow Ac after keratoplasty (dec 2005)
- Surgical treatment for marginal corneal ulcer(dec 2005)
- Stem cell deficiencies (dec 2005)
- Discuss in detail corneoscleral limbus and its importance
- Anatomy of limbus
- Vital stains in corneal evaluation
- Discuss aetiology,inv,Tt with spl ref to recent advances in dry eyes (dec 2005)
- Evaluate recent trends in inv & mx of dry eyes (MAY 2010)
- Classify chemical injuries and discuss their prognostic indicators. Outline various management modalities. Current advances and sequelae
- Mx of acute chemical burn (dec 2005)
- Evaluate recent trends in mx of chemical injuries & their sequelae. (MAY 2010)
- Planning an ideal eye bank at a tertiary Ophthal hospital.
- Clinical features, diagnosis, and current concepts/approach in management of fungal keratitis. ( MAY 2007)
- Evaluate imp aspects in mx of fungal corneal ulcers. (MAY 2010)
- Corneal topography ( MAY 2007)
- Peripheral corneal thinning disorders and their M/t (dec 2007)
- LASIK Sx and its complications
- Risk factors for corneal graft rejection
- Role of steroids in keratitis
- Viral conjunctivitis
- Acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis
- DISCUSS intricacies in diag & best mx of conjunctivitis (DEC 2008)
- Acanthamoeba keratitis
- Cosmetic contact lens
- Selection of contact lenses
- Herpetic stromal keratitis
- Corneal preservation
- Dry eye syndrome
- Corneal complication of IOLs
- Xerophthalmia
- Ocular surface
- Keratoconus
- Astigmatic and refractive corneal surgeries
- Peripheral degeneration
- Corneal opacity and its congenital Variant
- Staphyloma
- Limbal dermoid
- Sclerocornea
- Failed graft
- Exposure keratitis
- Spheroidal degeneration
- Viral keratitis
- Scleritis
- Salzmann nodular degeneration
- Spheroidal degeneration
- Neuroparalytic keratitis
- Critically evaluate the principles, advantages, and limitations of various keratometers. Recent advances in examining and documenting cornea
- Non healing keratitis (dec 2009)
- Describe the optical principles & application of corneal topography. Discuss concepts of mx of keratoconus.’ May 2011
- Recent advances & concepts in corneal grafting with spl ref to high risk keratoplasty (MAY 2010)
- Critically evaluate organization of ideal blood bank with ref to miaximize the needs of our region (MAY 2010)
- Critically discuss recent advances in keratorefractive procedures (MAY 2008)
- Discuss the changing scenario in diverse refractive procedures and measures(DEC 2008)/ critical note on selection of pt for these (dec 2009)
- Merits and demerits of modalities of management of myopia
- Details of areas visualized , discuss optics and application of various viewing systems in vitrectomy/ specular microscopy ***(DEC 2008)
- Optical aberrations
- Theory of accommodation
- Discuss about accomodation of eye in detail
- Discuss the mechanism of accommodation of eye in detail. Discuss the methods for assessment of anomalies of accomodation
- Paediatric vision testing
- Lensometer
- Automated perimetry- indications and utility
- Use of cross cylinders
- Role of contrast sensitivity
- Contrast sensitivity in ophthal
- Oct in ophthal***(dec 2005)
- Streak retinoscopy (dec 2005)
- UBM and its role in ophthal today (MAY 2010)
- Discuss various LVA available , and their clinical applicability
- What are low vision aids? Discuss their indications and optical principles (dec 2005)
- Describe the anatomy and physiology of rods and cones. What factors influence dark adaptation?
- Compound astigmatism
- Theories of color vision
- Anisometropia – hyper >1D, astig>1D, myop>3D
- Optics of indirect ophthalmoscope
- Selection of cycloplegic and mydriatic
- Multifocal ERG
- Subjective verification of refraction** ( MAY 2007)
- Discuss the basic principles which are applied in Mx & correction of astigmatism (dec 2005)
- Describe the mechanism of dark adaptaion with respect to anatomy & physiology involved (dec 2005)
- Uniocular diplopia (dec 2005)
- Discuss with labeled diagrams optical principles of ophthalmic operating microscopes and their various technological advances
- Discuss with labeled diagrams optics of operating microscopes with special reference to ophthal**
- Advances in diagnostic ultrasonography (in ophthal)** (dec 2005)
- Keratometers – principles, advantages, limitations. Recent advances in examining and documenting cornea – confo/ specular/ pentacam/ ASOCT/ UBM/ WAVE FRONT
- Presbyopia and its management (dec 2005)
- Detail the selection criteria for your own ophthalmoscopes and the care you should exercise for their maintenance and maximum utilization (MAY 2008). (dec 2007)
- Practical application of ophthalmoscope.
- Discuss the principles, evolution and application of OCT in ophthal as compared to other modalities. (dec 2009)
- Critically evaluate principles of various keratometers, their advantages & limitations. What are the recent advances in examining and documenting cornea (dec 2009)
- Discuss subjective verification of refraction and role of autorefractors’ may 2008
- Recent concepts of psychophysiology of color vision. Compare the various modalities available to critically assess color perception (dec 2005)
- Discuss problems and applied aspects of color vision tests and color visual field examination
- Describe mechanism of accommodation, & assessment and mx of presbyopia’ may’2011
- Describe corneal topography & its dovumentation & their applied aspects (MAY 2009)
- FA
- Km
- Pachymetry
- Specular
- Confoscan
- GDx
- AR
- I/O
- mf ERG
- Colour vision
- Contrast
- Dev of eye
- Degn and dystr of eye (MAY 2008)
- Retinal disorders in ref to development
- Dyes
- Classification of blepharoptosis & its relevance to Mx & complication** (DEC 2008)
- Classify extraocular and intraocular tumours with a note on their prognosis (dec 2009)
- Lacrimal gland lesions – dd/ Mx** (DEC 2008)
- Lacrimal pump mechanism- structural and functional ( dysfunctional) aspects** ((DEC 2008)
- Orbital spaces , significance in investigation and salient disorders (DEC 2008)
- Describe the spaces of orbit , discuss their surgical importance
- Dd of a painless nodular progressively increasing swelling of the lower lid in 6oyr male
- Discuss etiology & mx of unilateral proptosis in 3yr old boy
- Dd, mx of unilateral proptosis (MAY 2008)
- Pseudotumor of orbit
- Describe and discuss the mx of pseudotumors in orbit
- Mx of chronic dacryocystitis
- Surgical mx of congenital ptosis
- Describe various thyroid function tests, give clinical picture & mx of hyperthyroidism with spl regard to ocular involvement
- Describe in detail the clinical pic, dd, mx of lacrimal gland tumors
- Discuss the anatomy of sup orbital fissure
- Myasthenia gravis
- Myasthenia – ocular aspects(MAY 2008)
- Exophthalmometry
- Carotico cavernous fistula
- Optic nv glioma
- Describe the etiology, clinical features, mx of a case of unilateral proptosis
- Critically analyze the recent advances in orbital and canalicular interventions with spl ref to trauma (dec 2009)
- Classify the extraocular and intraocular tumors. Note on their prognosis
- Transfrontal orbitotmy- procedure, indications
- Describe & discuss the principles and techniques of lid reconstructions
- Discuss the various avenues of mx of bilateral RB in 1yr chld
- Critically evaluate treatment strategies for 18 month old bilateral RB (dec 2005)
- Enumerate the ocurlar changes in thyroid dysfunction and its mx
- Describe tear formation & its drainage mechanism. How would you diagnose and manage different types of lacrimal obstruction
- Phacomatosis ( MAY 2007)- NF1- OP , rest – squint –AAO
- Cavernous sinus thrombosis
- Entropion correction
- Describe the progressive clinical features of dysthyroid ophthalmopathy, its diagnosis modalities, indiactions for intervention, surgical mx- (dec 2005)
- Discuss the role of newer modalities of mx in RB with their indications, and details of the therapies ***
- Critically evaluate the T/t strategies for 18m old child with bilateral RB
- Recent classification of RB
- Mucormycosis
- Discuss various modalities of mx in a case of ptosis and their indications. Critically evaluate the operative procedures available and appropriate steps for prevention and treatment of postoperative problems
- Describe investigations for intraocular malignancies in an adult and options for their mx
- Applied anatomy of orbital apex (dec 2005)
- Describe with diagrams the anatomy of orbit and its spaces & their clinical significance (dec 2005)
- Tear film and its changes in iatrogenic situations (dec 2005)
- Discuss tear films & dynamics in diseases and medications and their evaluation’ may 2008
- Outline your approach for the evaluation and mx of a case of failed ptosis sx’11
- Discuss the dd of pulsatile proptosis. Outline your approach to their investigation and mx(dec 2005)
- Blow out # orbit
- Orbital # in relation to structural anatomy (MAY 2008)
- Mx of failed DCR
- Evaluate in detail the surgical mx & your criteria for decision making in a case of cong ptosis**(dec 2007)
- Discuss the functional and surgical anatomy of orbit along with their development. Their various important disorders and anomalies** (dec 2009)
- Outline the dd & mx of watering of eye in children (MAY 2008)
- Evaluate the mx of functional epiphora (MAY 2009)
- How would you manage a case of proptosis in child (MAY 2009). Dd of proptosis in child, Mx of orbital cellulitis in a child (dec 2005)
- Acquired ptosis (MAY 2007)
- Discuss the dd, mx of unilateral orbital cellulitis (dec 2007)
- Genetic transmission of RB (dec 2005)
- Role of various investigative modalities in retinoblastoma (MAY 2010)
- Recent classifications of RB from clinical and pathological viewpoints with spl ref to prognosis & mx (MAY 2008)
- Lid margin
- Outline the surgical and functional anatomy of LPS (MAY 2010)
- Outline your approach for evaluation and mx of a)failed ptosis sx (dec 2005)& b)ptosis in spl situations(complicated ptosis)’2011
- Dd & mx of a growth of the lateral part of eye lids’2011
- How would you approach and manage a suspected case of blowout #’2011
- Decribe in detail ur approach to management of a case of unilateral axial proptosis in adult (MAY 2007)
- Acute proptosis in children ** (20)
- Role of stem cells with spl ref to ophthal (DEC 2008)
- Techniques and application of AMG in ocular disorders (DEC 2008)
- Discuss iatrogenic disorders of eye (DEC 2008)
- Indications & hazards of radiation to eye (DEC 2008)
- Critically evaluate Nutritional factors causing ocular morbidity (DEC 2008)
- How would you Organize an upgraded residency training program in ophthal in your institute (DEC 2008)
- Collagen shield
- Eye banking and legislation
- Describe disinfection and sterilization in ophthal in relation to common inv and OT
- Immunosuppressant
- Artificial eye
- Discuss the importance of genetics(molecular genetics) in ophthal
- Write a critical note on role of genetics in important blinding disorders (dec 2007)
- Describe the clinical features, diag, mx of a case of methyl alcohol poisoning (dec 2005)
- Write briefly on metastatic lesions of eye
- Discuss the role of antioxidants in eye
- Persistent pupillary membrane
- Eye in epidemic dropsy
- Classify Immunomodulators & discuss their role in various ophthalmic disorders (dec 2009)
- Drug delivery implants in eye
- Structure and function of pigmented epithelium throughout eye MAY 2008
- Discuss retinal pigment epithelium & its functional significance (MAY 2010)
- Outline dystrophies and degn of eye
- Juvenile systemic disorders affecting eye (MAY 2008)
- Outline ocular lesions connected with specific systemic infections (MAY 2009)
- Outline imp systemic disorders affecting eye & their salient ocular symptoms and signs (dec 2009)
- Ocular manifestations of head injuries vis-a-vis their role in mx (MAY 2009)
- Anterior segment of newborn (dec 2005)
- Discuss the visual perception and its evaluation (MAY 2007)
- Ocular manifestation of connective disorders (dec 2005)
- Prisms in ophthal- slit lamp/IO/ operating microscope/ applanation.
- Discuss about the changing concepts in mx of diff types of RD
- Role of telemedicine in ophthal
- Hematological disorder in ophthal
- Discuss the etiology, mx perspective of advanced terminal situations on the verge of total blindness (dec 2009)
- Dd of poor vision in child. How would you manage such a child (dec 2009)
- Dev of eye
- Drug implant
- Discuss classifications of ocular trauma. Outline the types of IOFBs and their critical mx’2011/ mx IOFB (dec 2005)
- Depict cavernous sinus, discuss their ophthalmic connections. Outline every day application of ophthalmoscope and discuss their selection and care.**** May’2011 MAY 2008 (dec 2009)
- Detail techniques of recording VER/VEP, & their role in opththal’ may 2011
- Discuss cysticercosis affecting eye, diag, mx ‘ may 2011
- Discuss phakomatoses affecting the eye’ may 2011
- Describe blood aquous barrier. Discuss the formation and circulation o aquous humor(in health and disease) with spl ref to various drugs acting on it (MAY 2007)**
- Postoperative infections – prevention and mx
- Evaluate Strategies to decrease childhood blindness in vision 2020 (DEC 2008)
- Strategies to control cataract blindness in India
- Vision 2020 and India (dec 2005)
- Discuss NPCB & vision 2020(the right to sight) with spl ref to combating corneal blindness (dec 2009)
- Eye camp approach vs reach in approach
- Discuss briefly the problems in rehabilitation of visually handicapped children. How could you organize an effective eye screening program in a semi urban school in your community with spl ref to refr errors.
- Discuss strategies to reduce ocular morbidities in diabetics in your country
- Discuss viable strategies to reduce amblyopia at the community level
- Discuss in detail about reach in program for mx of cat in community**(dec 2007)
- Critically evaluate the visually impaired disability categories and the disability percentages based on severity as per norms**(dec 2007)
- Discuss visual aids and their relevance to our national program for ctrl of blindness and vision 2020 in India (dec 2007)
- Describe briefly recent advances in alleviation of irreversible blindness- LVA, stem cells , retinal implants (MAY 2009)
- Predominant causes of blindness in India and national initiatives for prevention (MAY 2009)
- Outline the strategies to reduce the incidence of various ocular injuries in the community ( MAY 2007)
- Diabetic retinopathy & vision 2020
- Design a suitable screening program for diabetic retinopathy at community level, & its importance in the light of recent advances in its management ( MAY 2007)
- Discuss cataract surgical rate in the context of the national program with spl ref to the visual outcome of such surgeries (MAY 2010)
- Discuss prevention of childhood eye disorders and role of our school health programmes’ may 2011
- Discuss strategies to reduce morbidity caused by preventable ocular trauma in the country (dec 2005)
- Discuss your strategies for tackling major causes of visual impairment in the community with spl ref to children, under the NPCB, & vision 2020 (MAY 2008)
- Discuss the various approaches to rehabilitation of visually handicapped ( MAY 2007)
Neuro ophthal
- How would you evaluate the integrity of visual pathways? Discuss briefly about localization of their lesions in the context of neuro ophthal*** (DEC 2008) (dec 2005)
- Discuss and describe anatomy, relation of optic nv, and blood supply
- Papilloedema and head injury
- Pupillary reaction pathways
- Describe the pupillary pathways in detail, their affections with diagram. Diff tests to elucidate them
- Visual cortex
- Describe etiopathogenesis, clinical pic and mx of AION
- Drusen of optic nv head
- Anatomy of optic chiasma, discuss briefly the various lesions affecting visual fields (role in ealth and disease)’ MAY 2008
- Describe and discuss inv & mx of a case of ophthalmoplegia
- Etiology & mx of ophthalmoplegias (dec 2009)
- Toxic optic neuropathy
- Malingering
- Describe etiopathogenesis and appearance of visual field changes in neurological disorders
- Amaurosis fugax
- Pulse steroid therapy- tr ON, ON, early rejection PK, VKH, AION
- Pituitary lesions for ophthalmologist
- Discuss etiopathogenesis, dd, mx of unilateral swelling of ON head
- Multiple sclerosis (ocular aspect) (MAY 2008)
- Functional anatomy of optic nv head (MAY 2009)
- Critically evaluate dd of failing vision in elderly pt (MAY 2009)
- Detail your exam and mx in a case of anisocoria (dec 2007)
- Clinical feature and mx of ocular migraine
- Drug induced optic neuropathies
- Discuss 3rd nv palsy (MAY 2010)
- Anatomy of 3rd , 4th, 6th cranial nv
- Discuss clinical features and mx of toxic amblyopia’ may 2011
- Describe diff protocols for Tt of cong esotropia
- Sup oblique
- Worth 4 dot test
- Describe inv & mx of esotropia in 1yr child
- Method & siginificance of bagolini’s striated glasses test
- Etiology, diag, mx of sup oblique overaction
- Kestenbaum Anderson procedure
- Annulus of zinn
- Lat rectus resection
- Functional anatomy of ext oc muscles, with a note on their dev
- Describe briefly origins, insertions, and action of extraocular muscles/(functional anatomy, development) and discuss the functional basis of various restrictive squint ( MAY 2007)**
- Esotropia in 5yr old
- Comprehensive assessment of binocular vision (dec 2005)
- Anatomical & physiological basis of binocular vision (MAY 2007)
- Briefly discuss binocular vision (MAY 2009)
- Surgical options for nystagmus and their outcome**(dec 2005)
- Microtropia**(dec 2005)
- Dissociated vertical deviation
- Non surgical mx of esotropia ( MAY 2007)
- Applied anatomy of 3rd cranial nv ncl** ( MAY 2007)
- Mx of vertical diplopia (MAY 2009)
- Faden operation ( MAY 2007)
- Botulinum toxin in ophthal** (MAY 2007) (dec 2005)
- Discuss amblyopia, & recent trends in mx(DEC 2007)
- Infantile esotropia (dec 2005)
- Adjustable sutures in squint sx (dec 2005)
- What are the sensory adaptations in strabismus & their clinical significance (dec 2009)
- Vision assessment in child
- Evaluate various transposition sx in strabismus’ may 2011
- Discuss various ophthalmic manifestations of hansen’s ds
- Describe etiopathogenesis of intermediate uveitis & its mx
- Uveitis – types, aetiologies, recent advances in mx
- intermediate uveitis
- Describe briefly : white dot synd
- Heterochromic iridocyclitis
- Short note on : white iritis
- Coloboma of uveal tract
- Investigative profile in uveitis
- Classify uveitis, describe clinical features of intermediate uveitis & its mx
- Still’s disease
- Surgical mx of complications of uveitis (dec 2005)
- Dd , mx of bilateral panuveitis ( MAY 2007)
- Scleritis
- Presentation, inv, mx of paediatric uveitis’ 2011
- Classify uveitis, enumerating the role of various investigations with respect to mx modalities (MAY 2010)
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